
“You have called me by name,” rings out Isaiah. Naming is a very important part of belonging, and belonging is a key element of most faiths.

We thought about creating a page of definitions for this site, but that seemed more limiting than expanding. At the same time we realized that it might help people who come to explore and use this site to think about certain kinds of processes. What do people mean by “faith,” for instance? What do people mean by “community”? In this section of the site we’re going to explore how we name certain elements of this work. These explorations will have commenting enabled, so that we hope you’ll join in the conversation about how we name what we’re doing.

  • September update 18 September 2024
    Wow — the semester is underway and I am swamped. I promise to say more about my project — keep looking for new videos posted at But in the meantime, here is a link to the recent ELCA congregation pulse survey on caring for creation. It’s an interesting example of diversity across the churches ...
  • Third places 13 September 2024
    There is a lot of scholarship about the importance of “third places” (spaces that are separate from home and work, and invite conversation). But this is the first time I’ve seen someone curate a playlist of scenes from various tv shows and movies that depict the discussion about third places!
  • REA presentation 30 August 2024
    I offered a brief presentation on this current research project to the July 2024 REA meeting, and you can find the video of that presentation here (see below). You might also be interested in the handout (which includes the citations to this session). Hess4Proceedings2024Download
  • June update 27 June 2024
    I can’t believe it is June already — and towards the end of the month at that! The formal sabbatical portion of this project ends on July 1st, but I’m enjoying these workshops and retreats so much that I will be continuing to do this work into the foreseeable future. A brief overview of this project to ...
  • May project update 29 May 2024
    So much energy these past weeks is being drawn forth into caring for Creation! Earth Day every year brings much more awareness, and I believe draws more people into refreshing and re-energizing their commitments to the Earth. I’ve been traveling a fair amount lately– to Sioux Falls, SD, to Aberdeen, SD, to Missoula, MT — learning ...
  • April update 18 April 2024
    Welcome to the April update of the Stories and the Earth project! This has been a busy month, as Earth Day is right around the corner (April 22) and all sorts of churches and other organizations have been hard at work producing resources and creating celebrations. Since last I wrote an update, I’ve enjoyed learning with people ...
  • March update 27 March 2024
    A brief update this month, as Lent and Holy Week have placed heavy demands on my life and work, and I have prayed and learned with others who are praying through Ramadan. Such a busy and holy season this is! My project held a two-part version of the workshop at St. Francis Cabrini in Minneapolis this ...
  • February update 28 February 2024
    It’s nearly the last day of February . I have to note that I have been so busy this month on this project that my communication has fallen behind. I think that’s probably a good thing? But I will seek to do better next month. In any case, workshops in Oshkosh, WI and St. Paul, MN ...
  • January update 26 January 2024
    The first thing I have to share is that this project went on a major “pause” during January, as I caught my first bout of COVID and spent most of the month isolated in our attic, fighting the disease. My gosh I’m glad to be through it, and even more grateful that isolation kept my ...
  • December update 22 December 2023
    Dear friends, it is the shortest day of the year here in North America as I write this note. Darkness has been taking up more and more of each day. Now, however, the days will begin to turn again towards spring, and light will begin to creep into more and more of my awareness. Usually this ...