We are convinced that the “create/share/believe” circle is never ending, and an essential way to describe how storytelling works. You can enter the circle at any point, and go in either direction — share/believe/create, for example, or share/create/believe, or any endless number of combinations — but no matter how much we believe that to be the case, it’s still powerful when affirmation comes from an unexpected place. Here’s one blogger’s description of telling the story anew:
And I wonder if she guesses I’m having a hard time sleeping too. Because I can’t believe I got to tell the story. I can’t believe how the telling felt like sacrament I couldn’t fully hold, a channel of God’s showing up, reminding me of the absurdity of faith.
I, who have been struggling to believe the words, the promise, the presence, I tell the story to virgin ears. And this telling, it is my own ram in the thicket.
I whisper to myself that God is faithful.